7th December 2023
- their is a we white car that looks like it has crashed into the buss stop on the road A921 just to make people aware. didn’t manage to get a photo
- RTC M90 northbound just before J6 Kinross.1 x car on central reservation (no passengers in vehicle), 1 x car on hard shoulder. Police on scene.Pass with caution, lots of gravel on the road.
- Crash on M90 just before kinross northbound looks like it will be getting closed
- Cash Machine getting setup at Balfarg Cottages
- Camera van up from St Margaret’s primary school as your heading towards touch/abbeyview
- Looks like a collision at the roundabout at Asda in halbeath, police in attendance
- Vehicle lost there load on a92 left lane heading to Kirkcaldy from lochgelly
- Debris A92 EB Lochgelly-Kirkcaldy west. Something fallen from a trailer, Lane 1 blocked. TRISS onsite along with police to clear
- 3 police jammers doing spot checks on St Clair street in kdy
- Police pulling people at dining room top of st Clair street
- Jammers sitting on Bankhead roundabout
- Checks being done across the road from Stephen bakers in kdy sinclair Street at roundabout
- Officers in lundin links with a gun, just after stuarts the bakers.
- almost hit someone wearing all black with there back to the traffic walking on the a92 dual carriageway heading to new inn round about
- Police standing outside bus garage cowdenbeath with hand held gun
- Police at Cowdenbeath bus garage pulling people they pulled the car behind me
- Queues at traffic lights in Glenrothes going to leven again x
- Gallatown roundabout Kirkcaldy. Roads closed. Open and diversion towards Leven go down Randolph industrial estate or the Boreland.
- Lorry shed its load on NB carriage way of queens ferry crossing. Obstructions over both carriageways. Just before the Ferrytoll off slip
- Car on fire at woodmill park in Dunfermline behind woodmill road, been on fire since around 5:30 – fire engine here putting it out now
- How come we have this new degenerate tiktok generation that steals things just to wreck it? Am i missing something here?
- If someone’s lost there car it’s down the field at Bute crescent it’s been set alight
- Police closed this section of road b4 going down Aberdour road
- Massive pot hole on the long stretch B9157 Invertiel Road heading towards Kirkcaldy. Got a burst front tyre. At least another 5 people in same situation!
- Pothole on A907 between blairhall and comrie, just burst a tyre
- Temporary traffic lights outside Kinglassie primary school are in darkness both ways
- Heavy traffic glenrothes to leven road due to roadworks
- Stuck on tay bright for over 25 mins and no sign off moving. Ambulance just went shooting by
30th October 2023
- Traffic police and DVSA pulling motors at bank head roundabout in Glenrothes doing full checks just outside C.T.D.I
- About 10 minutes ago – Car broken down/abandoned A91 Springfield junction. Causing havoc as everything northwards on A92 getting diverted that way from Melville Lodges
- Breakdown between deer centre and quaker causing delays
- Queues over a mile long at redhouse roundabout barely moving, heading northbound
- Bad crash south Queensferry side of the new bridge
- Car abandoned almost hit it be aware sitting right on the bend Dunfermline foundry Street
- B981 closed between Masterton Road Junction and Burnside just north of Inverkeithing. Road badly flooded in usual place.
- Cardenden folks if it keeps raining you won’t get through this
- Strathore Road flooding at all the usual places, getting bad.
- Road from St Andrews to Ceres blocked by police at Strathkiness crossroads.
- Tree down on m90 after kelty flyover heading to Kinross. Everyone going up kerb to avoid tree. No emergency services in attendance.
- A91 from Gateside to kinross flooded
- tidal car wash in Anstruther the day. entrance to harbour blocked
- Level crossing halbeath. gates are stuck down
Have been for over an hour. avoid! - flooding starting to get bad outside lochgelly highschool, u cant see it until u are basically in it
- Incident are ballingry may cause mayhem for buses and traffic
- Big shout out to this gentleman for trying to clear the road of mud and stones between Cupar and daisie…. Well done and thank u
- Road into Kinglassie from Glenrothes starting to flood
- A92 both ways coming through Kilmany. A lot of standing water forcing you to drive towards the middle of the road.
- Car abandoned and stuck in the middle of grange road, area is mass flooded
26th October 2023
- Lot of standing water between St Andrews and Dunino
- Lot of standing water between St Andrews and Dunino
- A92 flooded at Gauldry turn off & beginning to flood in the dip at Kilmany. Standing water everywhere again
- Anyone needing to drive on the A92 Kilmany to Melville roundabout the road is getting extremely flooded again cars needing to go through middle of road to get past before the temp lights (as it’s getting dark be difficult to see until you hit it)
- There are 3 cows on the a92 cowden to Lochgelly lad just where the accident was this morning
- Wemyss haven gardens flooded in east wemyss & The main road on east wemyss is starting to flood now too
- Camera van sitting at balgove larder now
- Sitting on the st. Michael’s road on the way to Dundee form leachers
- crash along from kirkcaldy bus station at park place
- Hi there’s a white golden retriever on the loose at woodside right next to the lomond centre in glenrothes
24th October 2023
- Speed gun kings road rosyth
- Police stopping cars Victoria Road Kirkcaldy before Arena Gym heading toward Dunnikier Road
- Aftermath of last night’s fire in lochgelly.
- my bus has just crashed into a verge outside st michael’s on the way to tayport.
- Driver of the week in lochgelly. Cars wrote of seemingly.
- North Street, lochgelly and surrounding areas are very busy due to the road closure at the flats.
- Moped lying a abandoned in whyte street Lochgelly
- main road of lochgelly closed, looks like police investigating the fire. they put up one diversion sign but no signs to follow it so if folk don’t know lochgelly they might struggle
- Road flooded here but passable
- Police chasing a motorbike around kirkcaldy
- bus broke down It’s not valley gardens south it’s just valley gardens
- Lochgelly flats earlier.
- Lochgelly flat current status
- Can’t get to the bling from lochgelly crash at the roundabout at the meedies
- Any resident affected by the Francis Street Fire. Lochgelly Town Hall is opened, and teas, coffees, and heating are o the go. Also immediate advice while proper plans are put in place.
- the road at lochore meddies has been closed someone’s been knocked over police surrounding the area
- Lochgelly is closed off by police at the COOP..traffic is being directed via Grainger St..
- Fire at the flats in lochgelly getting worse
- A92 closed off at bank head roundabout police blocking both lanes
- A985 just past Devilla heading toward Kincardine, say “cheese”
- There’s police with a radar gun next to old silver birch cowdenbeath
- Traffic officers with a hand gun at the top of broad street Cowdenbeath across from the door store. Pulling car going over 30 from hill of Beath to Cowdenbeath
- Traffic lights at sandybrae are not working going up brae at petrol station, free for all
- Bus broken down on inside lane of slip road north bound M90 at traffic lights to rosyth/ Dunfermline roundabout
- Speed Van St Michael’s south bound to St Andrews
- Broken down car on A92 Southbound Glenrothes between Balfarg and Cadham.
- Truck broke down on double roundabout Inverkeithing police there directing traffic. Traffic starting to back up
- Pick up truck in the wall and a car on its roof between Cupar and pitscottie. No police yet and impassible at this time, avoid if possible
- Hi at the bing in coaltown looking for a stolen Kia we’ve also found a Nissan juke burnt out at the top of the bing
- Just letting you know there was a group of kids (roughly 14 15) trying car doors in asda car park st Leonards. Make sure your cars are locked
- Scammera van at balfarg cottages 6.50pm
- Incident report unit two ambulance n police at east wemyss graveyard. Maybe something happening down the beach or Wenyss castle.
- 95 to St Andrews Stuck in kilconquhar after window smashed
- Hi mate forth bridge shut due to police incident lifeboat also in water under bridge
- Another speed camera A92 lochgelly/Cowdenbeath
12th October 2023
- Jammers hiding behind car at 40mph bit at cottages at new Inn dual carriage way
- Camera van sitting in the usual place at ladybank
- Woodmill road in Dunfermline car wash tried hooking up the electric and caught on fire
- Police standing with speed gun at balfarg cottages
- Police car hiding at lochgelly slip Road facing towards kirkcaldy at A92. Watch your speed peeps.
- Speed clock Between Diageo and Aldis in Leven giving wrong speed times, doing 30 and it says 50 this has happened to a few people in last hour apparently.
- Boys out trying to get into sheds just chased 3 out garden and they got into a car den walk buckhaven area.
- Hello – temp traffic lights outside Joe’s Chippy in Cowdenbeath are stuck on red both ways. Already causing issues, likely to be a nightmare as the morning goes on.
- Camera wouldn’t focus – looks like someone’s dumped this car at KDY retail park. Security have been made aware. ‘05 plate.
- Hiya could you possibly put a post up please
- The temporary lights in crossgates are all stuck on red
- 23.06 Accident on Standing stane Road heading towards kdy from leven between car and artic. Not serious but just after blind corner more than half way towards Kdy.
- Lights broken at Broad street,Cowdenbeath. Top lights completely off bottom stuck at red for past hour
- supposedly someone’s chucked an explosive through someone’s letter box.. temple hall 3 fire engines ambulance + police.
- Dogue de Bordeaux bitch escaped from garden balgreggie area approx 6pm.
- Friendly no collar but chipped name is ruby
- Police on kings road rosyth doing stop checks
- Hi are you able to post this on fife jammers someone broke into my car last night in Raeburn crescent just to make people aware and if they recognise any of these thugs kind regards.
- Traffic lights on Kirkcaldy to kinghorn road, no road warning signs to make you aware and just off a bend as well.
26th September 2023
- Two people walking from Burntisland to Aberdour, one on each side of the road. I noticed one was holding a light. Still hard to see them though, and only one vehicle can get past at a time as they were directly opposite each other.
- Pulled someone over on the Burntisland to kinghorn road. The car had no lights on at all, police car at angle infront of car to obviously stop him, police car was in complete datkness too. Only seen them last min. Not even headlights on
- Could you send a message out to beware of western Avenue under Collydean bridge young lads, throwing either petrol, bombs or obstacles on fire on the main road onto oncoming traffic. Just missed my van. Police are away
- Auchtermuchty 25/9/23. Orchard flat right outside the Old Barn Cafe. Passable.
- Speed camera sitting by earl David in coaltown of wymess
- Bottom of beaty cresent all top windows smashed n roads blocked at 1 side
- Police just emptied the 39 bus in Beatty Crescent. Kirkcaldy.Edit hit a pole
- Speed van between Cowdenbeath and Lochgelly
- There is a jammer sitting on Leven Road, Lundin Links. On the left after the old Manor Hotel and before the montrave Hall.
- Speed trap in lundin links hidden behind a hedge
- Can you put a post up that the thieves have been to the lockups at cumbrae Court in kirkcaldy again seems they got disturbed by the good neighbours again but looks like they did get into one of the lockups,two people caught on cameras(not seen the footage)but ran off towards cumbrae terrace to lismore avenue,this happened around 12.50am so if people can check there doorbell cameras etc at the bottom and top of cumbrae terrace,you will see a lot of movement after 3.30am along the bottom going towards the lockups and back that’s not them
- Tree down on north road past hatchbank towards Kinross , road completely blocked
- Kelty Road to Kinross (B996) blocked tree down!….
- Entrance roundabout to castlefleurie opposite diageo leven, car in middle of roundabout
- main road outside Diageo at Leven , some youngsters drove straight across roundabout , car wrecked, signs everywhere…. police in attendance, be careful – road partially obstructed.
- Though give everyone a heads up, there is a few unmarked police cars sitting in halbeath Park and ride checking cars coming in and out
- Hi please can u pop a message up.
- Saw on Facebook graves at hayfield been wrecked so I went to check on my mum and rest family. A few members graves had flowers ripped out statues etc kicked over. We walked round and fixed what we saw. Few baby and child’s graves had teddy pulled from wrapping thrown about . We fixed what we can. Broken fences we have left in front of graves. Also any broken ornaments or vases left next to graves where we found as unsure where from. I just wanted to let people know incase couldn’t get along to check. It’s made me feel so sick that anyone could do such a thing!!
- Hi any chance you can post a post up.Just had a guy come up to me in Glenrothes saying that he has lost his bank card and his electric has went out. He asked me if he could transfer £20 and if I would give it to him as cash said he needed to phone rbs and it takes up to 2 hours since he hasn’t paid me before.Couldn’t get a clear photo Cadham Glenrothes
15th September 2023
- Jammer is sitting across from Purvis yard in cardenden
- Group of degenerates hanging about at oaktree square Kirkcaldy trying car doors right now, police phoned
- If anyone seen a dark/grey audi possibly a Q3/SQ3/Q5/ SQ5 flying about Cowdenbeath/lochgelly the nyt.. We recommend you report it offically
- Avoid Cowdenbeath high street, serious incident
- Air ambulance for the incident on Cowdenbeath high street
- Cowdenbeath high street closed. Someone hit with car
- Avoid Cowdenbeath high street. Closed from lidls end. Cars being diverted from high street
- Cowdenbeath high street closed, someone hit with car
- Cowdenbeath high street, someone hit by a car near the petrol station. Cars diverted
- Cowdenbeath High Street closed passed wee jimmies outside bingo hall someone been hit by a car
- Hi i have found a dog on the back road between Benarty hill and Harren hill, a small brown and white jack russell. She has been handed into the Dunfermline police station. If you can post this it will be very appreciated.
- Dunnkier way outside caravan park
- Heading into inverkething from fordel furs. Just before the bridge at the Graham’s dairy
- 2 police officers with speed guns Rosyth dual carriageway, kings road primary side
- Massive tailbacks in Glenrothes and further down the a92 towards Kirkcaldy, for the traffic moving towards Dundee
- Speedy south bound A92 between lochgelly and Cowdenbeath
- Bad crash standing stane. Near golf course
- Cow on the loose at the top Cowdenbeath at bridge street
- Standing stand road. Around 12.40. Seems like they were looking in the trees
- Alright, wee brown sausage dog wearing collar running about primrose lane area of rosyth. Ran out in front of wife’s car. She chapped a couple of houses in the direction of where it came from but didn’t get an answer. Letting you know in case someone’s looking for it. Cheers.
- Popo on the standing stane, fire engine too, no idea why, nae crash or nothing
- Gallatown roundabout in Kirkcaldy has oil all across it, narrowly avoided writing the car off there, just a heads up for folk to be extra careful on it tonight
- Someone walking along the standing stane, can’t really see then
- anyone knows who this truck belongs to? Reg ST17 FCG tried to entice my 14 year old daughter and 4 of her friends into the truck! Thankfully one of them had the thought to record them this happened at b&m on Saturday or Sunday they can’t remember the exact day
14th September 2023
- Gallatown roundabout in Kirkcaldy has oil all across it, narrowly avoided writing the car off there, just a heads up for folk to be extra careful on it tonight
- Someone walking along the standing stane, can’t really see then
- anyone knows who this truck belongs to? Reg ST17 FCG tried to entice my 14 year old daughter and 4 of her friends into the truck! Thankfully one of them had the thought to record them this happened at b&m on Saturday or Sunday they can’t remember the exact day
- Queue on a92 before Lochgelly heading to Kirkcaldy. Police heading to incident
13th September 2023
- accident at ambulance depot kirkcaldy think there’s been an accident car window smashed.
- 1st Cash Machine Ladybank Lay-by.
- 2nd Cash Machine at the cottages before Letham both heading towards Dundee.
- Some sort of accident on a92 before lochgelly heading southbound. Loads of emergency services
- Massive tailback on A92 with multiple fire engines, ambulance and police trying to squeeze through between lochgelly and Kirkcaldy south bound
- South Wynd Colinsburgh Monday 11/09/2023 @ 00.50. Trying doors
- Also a broken down taxi on a92 southbound between Kirkcaldy and Lochgelly. Outside lane
- On lookers unmarked from the inverkeithing slip heading north ready to pounce also on the down slip at the queensferry crossing northbound
- Guy cycling on the a92 dual carriageway between Glenrothes and Kirkcaldy
- Hi folks 4 or 5 guys on a dark coloured fiesta just been chased from The Causeway in Kennoway breaking into cars. Made off towards Bonnybank! All wearing hoodie with hoods pulled up!
- Tomorrow around 11:15 am a funeral cortege will be leaving Glenrothes heading to kirkcaldy crematorium it’s a horse a carriage carry my son can drivers who come across this please have patience and compassion its my sons funeral who passed away on 03/09/2023
- Double decker bus broke down at awkward location A985 west of Cairneyhill Roundabout. Eastbound traffic facing long queues to get past it
- There’s a blue caddy van broken down on the standing stane massive tailbacks
- Accident at at Kettle bridge tractor and bmw
11th September 2023
- Police out with sniffer dogs in the rimbleton area looking for an elderly man. 00.10
- Hi Ive just had someone at my door (00.15am) at wellesley road/bayview crescent area, methil. Looks like he is in his house coat. He knew he was on the camera as i spoke but he continued to keep walking. Police aware and questioned if its maybe someone sleep walking but said it would be a good idea to post on here incase.
- there’s a man on the road at the round about with the dinosaur on it in glenrothes, almost hit him. just standing there on his phone wobbling about.
- there’s a grey VW golf/polo stopped on chapel level going towards asda, no lights on or anything can’t see it until you’re right at it.
- Multiple parts of the road are flooded on the back road from Kelty to Kinross, a van looked to have broke down after one of the flooded sections
- Bennochy road Kirkcaldy will be closed from Monday 11th September to the 22nd September. Diversions are in place for busses, cars ect. Only emergency services are allowed up that way when needed
- Not fife but crook of Devon temporary traffic lights next to the petrol station are out both sides causing some chaos trying to get passed
- Hi just to let you know the road is already flooded coming Into Cupar from the leven side/pitlessie just as you hit the 30mph from the 60mph
- Main Street of Crosshill flooded, avoid cars going down if possible
- A92 past Freuchie Garage is waterlogged and dangerous already!
- Avoid priory lane Dunfermline, whole road flooded, reported to council
- Townhill road at spar badly flooded I’d go up Lauder street to get to village
8th September 2023
- Just a heads up for anyone in the warout area to check your driveway there is someone rallying about warout in a hurry in what looks like a black/blue VW Golf with no lights on just about went into the side of me didn’t seem interested in stopping.
- there is a crash at the bottom of pittuchar. road blocked by 2 cars. police on scene.
- hiya, could you post about a wee dog running about on the roads, in front of cars in Lochore. it is a wee golden coloured dog looked like it was crossed with a poodle, small, young with a blue collar. last seen running towards the Meedies from the Lochore entrance. it looked scared and kept running away when it was approached
- there’s 3 police car with speed guns outside just before the roundabout at methil on the standing stane road 2 on one side and 1 on the other
- police are pulling people over for stop checks at the end of standing stand toward methill, both ways
- Police doing stop checks/speed gun just before round about at cameronbridge coming off the standing stane – they’re on both sides
- Police sitting off the Methil to buckhind roundabout stopping cars etc both ways
- Police doing random checks on Standing Stone – Eastbound in lay-by before the roundabout that is Methilhill / Cameron Hospital
- Broken down car at the roundabout at Lucas/ St Columbus high school backing the traffic up
- Tay road bridge blocked, accident between a motorcycle and car, tailbacks all the way into dundee city centre. Police are at the scene though
- Traffic at a standstill on the fife side of the tay bridge. Think someone has broken down as a recovery van just came up from Tayport
7th September 2023
- Three car accident at the traffic lights on halbeath road at the car garage’s no police on scene yet
- Man walking on the road, A911 Glenrothes to Leven
- Police on broad street with speed gun 21.25pm
- big tailback from the Cowdenbeath slip road to Kirkcaldy. Could potentially be an accident.
- Van sitting at the bridgend garden centre, then another sitting on the letham toll road further up
- Mobile photographer as you enter Thornton from Kirkcaldy
- My mums White Fiesta ST Reg N 6 STV Stolen from driveway in Dalgety Bay at some point last night between around 1am and 5.30am.
- fire started at kitty’s again.
- hi, broken down van inside lane of A92 from Kirkcaldy west to roadhouse roundabout, just before parking area. hazards on but the van is in the live lane. accident waiting to happen.
In the digital age, social media platforms have become powerful tools for connecting people who share common interests. One such vibrant community that has thrived on Facebook is Fife Jammers. This group of enthusiasts from the historic region of Fife in Scotland has harnessed the social networking site to build a unique community, foster creative connections, and showcase the accidents in the local area. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the story, impact, and significance of Fife Jammers on Facebook.

The Genesis of Fife Jammers
Fife Jammers, as a Facebook group, had its inception in 2004, thanks to the vision of a few dedicated people. Their mission was simple yet powerful: to create an online space where individuals with a passion for helping could gather, collaborate, and share their journey. The Facebook platform provided the perfect virtual stage for this dream to flourish.
Why is Fife called Fife?
Fife is a historic county located in eastern Scotland. The name “Fife” is believed to have originated from the Old English word “Fif,” which means “a division” or “a portion.” It likely referred to Fife’s historical status as a region divided into several smaller territories or administrative areas.
Fife has a long history dating back to ancient times, and it has been inhabited for thousands of years. Over the centuries, it has been known by various names and has played a significant role in Scottish history. The name “Fife” has been in use for many centuries, and it continues to be the name of the county today.
The exact origins of place names can sometimes be challenging to trace with precision, but the name “Fife” is believed to have been in use for a very long time, reflecting the county’s historical and cultural heritage.
What is the nickname for Fife?
Fife is often referred to as the “Kingdom of Fife” or simply “The Kingdom.” This nickname reflects Fife’s historical significance, as it was once one of the major divisions of Scotland and had its own royal palaces and historical connections to the Scottish monarchy. The nickname “Kingdom of Fife” is a nod to its historical and royal associations.
What is Fife Scotland known for?
Fife, Scotland, is known for several notable features and attractions:
- Golf: Fife is often called the “Home of Golf” because it is home to the famous St. Andrews Links, one of the most iconic and historic golf courses in the world. Golf enthusiasts from around the globe visit Fife to play on its numerous golf courses and to explore the history of the sport.
- St. Andrews: This historic town is not only famous for golf but also for its prestigious University of St. Andrews, which is one of the oldest universities in the English-speaking world. St. Andrews is known for its charming streets, historic buildings, and beautiful beaches.
- Coastal Scenery: Fife boasts a stunning coastline along the North Sea, with picturesque fishing villages, sandy beaches, and rugged cliffs. The Fife Coastal Path offers visitors the opportunity to explore this natural beauty while hiking or walking.
- Historic Sites: Fife has a rich history, and you can find a variety of historic sites and castles, including Falkland Palace, Culross Palace, and Aberdour Castle. These sites provide insights into Scotland’s past.
- Culinary Delights: Fife is known for its fresh seafood, including the famous Fife lobster and other seafood dishes. The region also produces high-quality Scotch whisky and has several distilleries where you can learn about the whisky-making process.
- Arts and Culture: Fife has a vibrant arts and culture scene, with numerous art galleries, theaters, and cultural events taking place throughout the year.
- Natural Beauty: In addition to its coastline, Fife is known for its scenic countryside, including the Lomond Hills Regional Park, which offers opportunities for hiking and outdoor activities.
- Festivals and Events: Fife hosts various festivals and events, such as the East Neuk Festival, the Pittenweem Arts Festival, and the St. Andrews Festival, which celebrate music, arts, and culture.
- Scientific Heritage: Fife has historical connections to famous scientists, including Sir James Clerk Maxwell, whose work laid the foundation for modern physics. There is a museum dedicated to his life and work in the town of Glenrothes.
- Industry and Innovation: Fife has a diverse economy, with industries like renewable energy, electronics manufacturing, and education contributing to its economic growth and innovation.
Overall, Fife offers a combination of natural beauty, historical significance, cultural richness, and recreational activities that make it a popular destination for tourists and a unique place to live for its residents.
What does Fife mean in Scotland?
In Scotland, “Fife” refers to both a historic county and a council area located in the eastern part of the country. Fife is known for its rich history, beautiful landscapes, and cultural significance. The name “Fife” itself doesn’t have a specific meaning in the Scottish Gaelic or Scots languages; rather, it is the name of the region. As mentioned earlier, it is believed to have originated from the Old English word “Fif,” which means “a division” or “a portion,” likely referring to Fife’s historical division into smaller territories or administrative areas.
Fife Jammers on Facebook is more than just a group; it’s a testament to the power of digital communities, and creative connections. It has redefined how enthusiasts collaborate, share, and celebrate their passion for journalism. With a rich history, a vibrant present, and a promising future, Fife Jammers continues to be a remarkable example of how Facebook can be a catalyst for building communities and creative connections that transcend geographical boundaries.

Derek McEwan-Chief Superintendent
The Divisional Commander is Chief Superintendent Derek McEwan, who is responsible for all policing in Fife division and its area commands.Community Speedwatch is a voluntary scheme driven by members of the community, and is supported by Police Scotland (Fife Division) and Fife Community Safety Partnership. Essentially, it is a high visibility deterrent which strives to encourage motorists to reduce their speed, thus improving the safety and quality of lives of the local community.Fife Division is committed to improving road safety throughout the Kingdom. Cyclists have been identified as being a particularly vulnerable group. Close Pass looks at educating drivers of motor vehicles about the safest distance to overtake cyclists who are also using the roads. This has been successful and a number of social media and local campaigns have been run to highlight this.